The USA's entry into the First World War

Why did WW1 start?

The final straw in the tensions leading up to the First World War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary on 28th June 1914. 

He was assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist, so, with Germany’s support, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28. Within days, Germany declared war on Russia—Serbia’s ally—and invaded France via Belgium, which then caused Britain to declare war on Germany. In short, the Alliances amongst European powers triggered a web of countries declaring war on each other. Both Britain and Russia joined the war earlier than Germany had thought they would.

The war turned into trench warfare as there was no quick victory. Overall, modern weapons made a complete and easy victory impossible.

Neutral USA

Reasons for the USA entering the war

Zimmerman Telegram

Declaration of War

Impact of the USA's entry on the course of the war