1936: Spanish Civil War


The Spanish Civil War broke out on the 17th of July 1936 as the Socialists and Republicans, who had won control of the Government in 1931, tried to abolish the monarchy, angering the Nationalists.

In September 1936, the republican government appealed to the league for assistance against the nationalist.

Who were the Republicans?

Who were the Nationalists?

Foreign Responses to the Civil War in Spain

Non-Intervention Committee

Members of the League were unwilling to intervene as they perceived the Civil War as being part of Spanish internal affairs.

Therefore, they set up the Non-Intervention Committee with the aim of preventing foreign involvement in the Spanish Civil War. It consisted of representatives for 27 countries, including Germany and Italy.











The Spanish Civil War drew to a close on the 1st of April 1939 when the remaining Republican forces surrendered. 

Francisco Franco ruled as Caudillo of Spain from 1 October 1936 until his death on 20 November 1975. His death marked the beginning of the Spanish transition to democracy. 

Following Franco, the position of Caudillo was abolished, and Juan Carlos I was proclaimed King of Spain on 22 November 1975.

The whole of Spain remained under a dictatorship following the Spanish Civil War until the 1977 Spanish general election, which made Spain a democracy, and the 1978 passing of the Constitution of Spain.