The March Elections of 1933 and the Enabling Act

Hitler called an election on the 5th of March, one week after the Reichstag Fire. This was because he wanted to turn Germany into a dictatorship. For that, the Nazis needed the majority of seats in the Reichstag.

Hitler ordered SAs to watch over politicians while they voted. This use of intimidation worked. The Nazis were able to increase their seats to over 1/3. However the Nazis still needed the majority.

Hitler came up with the enabling act- a law where Hitler could pass any new law that he wanted, however he still needed the support of 2/3 of the Reichstag. To increase Nazi support and decrease opposition, Hitler made a deal with the Catholic Centre Party for when he came in control. He also banned the German Communist Party from voting. Furthermore, he stationed SA in the Opera Hall (New home of the Reichstag) to intimidate voters. 

Only 94 voters voted against the Enabling Act while 444 voted for it. The Enabling Act was put in place on the 23rd of March 1933. Over eleven years of Nazi rule, the Reichstag only met twelve times to listen to Hitler's speeches. 

Democracy in Germany was non-existent.

The Kroll Opera House, the new home of the Reichstag.