CIE A-Level History: Paper 3

This page aims to guide you through how to write an A Level History essay for CIE paper 3.

The paper three question requires you to read, understand and then evaluate the source. Then, you should be able to identify the interpretation/approach of the Historian towards the Holocaust. There are a few different interpretations available...

*You can view the mark scheme of the 2021 Paper 3 Specimen Paper here.

How should you structure your paper 3 answers?


Body Paragraphs

In the body paragraphs, you should break down the contents of the extract by paragraph, into multiple parts, in order to interpret the meaning and explain the interpretation and approach to the Holocaust which is followed by the Historian.


Past Papers, Specimen Papers and Mark Schemes

A Level History 9489 Past Papers and Mark Schemes 

Click here for the CIE A-Level History 2021–2023 Syllabus. 

CIE History 2021 Specimen Paper 3


CIE History 2021 Specimen Paper 3 Mark Scheme


History Paper 3 (Holocaust Extract Question)

Paper 3 (Section B: Topic 2) The Holocaust [QUESTION PAPER].pdf

History Paper 3 (Holocaust Mark Scheme)

Paper 3 (Section B: Topic 2) The Holocaust [MARK SCHEME].pdf