The Gleichschaltung Laws
To control the lives of the German people, Hitler introduced the Gleichschaltung Laws.
The first Gleichschaltung Law was passed on the 31st of March 1933 and dissolved all of Germany's state governments (apart from Prussia).
As the second Gleichschaltung Law, passed on the 7th of April 1933, Reich Governors approved by the Nazis were put in complete control of each state, with Hermann Göring in charge of Prussia for Hitler.
Also in April, all Jews and Political Opponents of the Nazis were dismissed from Civil Service while Judges who were opposed to the Nazis were banned from working in the courts of law.
In May, Hitler dissolved banned and replaced all trade unions with the new trade union created by the Nazi Party called the German Labour Front (DAF).
In 1935, Hitler introduced the 'Acts Hostile to the National Community'. This was so the Nazi Party could legally persecute their opponents (mostly used against the communists).
Hitler also created some Pro-Nazi organisations which they would use for propaganda. They made it compulsory to join these organisations.
For Boys- At six years, boy would participate in Pimpfen, then Young German Boys at ten and finally Hitler Youth at fourteen years. Through this, they were made into soldiers for fighting in World War Two and were taught to believe and follow Nazi Ideology.
For Girls- Young Girls would join the Young Maidens at the age of ten before joining the League of German Maidens when they became fourteen. This taught them to become mothers and wives because Hitler wanted to increase the Aryan population and believed in traditional values that women should stay at home and work.
For Workers- Kraft durch Freude (Strength through Joy) provided workers with holidays. This was so they had less time to be involved in opposition groups. It also increased support as Germans were able to take Holidays that they may not be able to afford if the Government had not given them to them.
Hitler Youth marching like the Army.
(image from
The Generation of Young Boys that idolise Hitler. Hitler meets his Youth Group.
(image from