The Berlin Blockade
and the Berlin Airlift

After the War, Germany and it's capital Berlin, were each divided into four zones of occupation; the British, French, American and Soviet Zones. 

By June 1948, Stalin had taken control of most of Eastern Europe. In response, the Western allies joined forces to make Western Germany wealthy and pro-American. 

Western Germany had always been a rich industrial area of Europe, so it was decided that Western Germany would be included in the plans to rebuild Europe. With this aim, the USA...:

The Berlin Blockade

The introduction of the new currency in West Berlin angered Stalin, as he saw this as a threat to Soviet influence in Germany and Berlin. In response to the introduction of the Deutsche Mark, the Soviet Union initiated the Berlin Blockade on June 24, 1948. Its forces blockaded all road, rail, and canal access to West Berlin, cutting off all land routes between West Berlin and West Germany. The blockade was a Soviet attempt to pressure the Western Allies to abandon West Berlin and allow the Soviets to control the entire city.

The Allies (the USA, UK, and France) responded by cutting trade and traffic from Western Germany into East Germany.

The Berlin Airlift

The Berlin Airlift began on the 26th of June 1948 and lasted until the 30th of September the next year.

Over this time, the United States Air Force and the British Royal Air Force flew more than 200,000 flights to Berlin, delivering over 1.5 million tons of food, fuel, clothes and equipment to West Berlin in more than one year. 

Surprisingly, Soviet forces did not fire on the planes and allowed them to pass over Soviet territory.

By May 1949, Stalin accepted that his attempt to force the Western Allies out of West Berlin had failed and called the blockade off.

The Allies continued the airlift until September to build up a comfortable surplus of resources in case of another blockade.

What effects did the incident in Berlin bring in Europe?

Immediate Effects

Long Term Effects