Rationing, allied bombing and the War Economy
The war changed everyday life in Germany...
Rationing was introduced, so Germans had even less access to food and clothing. Near the end of the war, people were almost starving due to the severe rationing and shortage of food.
The allied bombing raids on Cologne, Dresden and other German cities destroyed a large area and resulted in the deaths of many civilians. To escape these raids, German children were evacuated to the countryside where they worked on farms to increase war effort.
The economy became a war economy. The Nazis now had total control over all resources and production so Germany fully supported the war.
By 1942, all entertainment venues were shut down. Only cinemas were open and were restricted to showing propaganda and Pro-Nazi films.
Due to the failing war, opposition to the Nazis increased.
Young Boys were recruited into the Volkssturm (home guard) to protect Germany from the allied invasions.
The war did not really change everyday life in Germany that much...
Due to the Blitzkrieg Tactics, the German people did not experience any fighting until the allied bombing raids later on.
Women were being recruited into factories and farms more to increase war effort, but out of the three million women, only one million actually returned to work.
The bombing of Dresden (from Wikipedia Images)
The German Volkssturm (from Wikipedia Images)
German Women building weapons in factories (from Wikipedia Images)