Reasons for the
persecution of minorities

Why did the Nazis persecute minority groups in Germany?

They believed that Germany was weak because it's Aryan* race had been contaminated by mixing with races they believed were inferior. Also, over a million of healthy german men were killed in the war.

As a result, the Government wanted to create a national people's community (Volksgemeinschaft) made up of physically and mentally healthy, socially useful, pure-blooded Aryans.

To enforce this, Germans were taught about "racial hygiene", laws were introduced to forbid Germans from having sex with inferior races and many "inferior races"* and "undesirables"* were killed.

As a result of the persecution, there were increased numbers of racially pure Aryans, a national people's community was created and Germany became a strong nation and leading world power.

Why did the Nazis persecute the Jews?

Why did the Nazis persecute the Slavs?

Why did the Nazis persecute the Roma and Sinti?

Why did the Nazis persecute the Blacks?

Why did the Nazis persecute the Homosexuals?

Why did the Nazis persecute the Disabled?

Why did the Nazis persecute Alcoholics and Asocials?

*Aryan- blond-haired, blue-eyed, oval-faced men

*Inferior races- Jews, Slavs, Blacks, Roma and Sinti

*Undesirables- Homosexuals, the Disabled People, Alcoholics, Asocials