Increasing persecution of Jews in the 1930s

In the 1930s, the Nazis began to take more action on their anti-semitic views and began persecute the Jews more harshly.

Timeline of Jewish Persecution in Nazi Germany

February 1933- the Nazi newspaper, Der Sturmer, began to increase anti-Jewish propaganda. The motto of the newspaper became "the jews are our misfortune".

1st April 1933- the SA carried out an official boycott of Jewish businesses. They drew a star of David on their windows and stood outside to discourage customers from using or visiting them.

7th April 1933- the Nazis passed a law which banned Jews from certain professions (e.g. teachers, lawyers and civil servants)

May 1935- signposts were placed in German towns that said "Jews are not welcome here."

September 1935- the Nuremberg Laws banned sexual relations between Germans and Jews and withdrew the citizenship of Jewish People.

April 1938- Jewish property was increasing confiscated

October 1938- Jews had to have a letter 'J' on their passports and identity papers

9th - 10th November- thousands of Jewish properties and synagogues are destroyed during Kristallnacht (aka The Night of Broken Glass)

12th November 1938- Jews were banned from owning businesses and Jewish children were banned from attending school