Hitler's role in causing the war

He wished to obtain more land to create 'Lebensraum' or living space. 

His aim was to abolish and reverse the Treaty of Versailles by expanding his military and reoccupying areas which were previously German

He was very anti-communist, and planned to wipe it out.

Abolish and reverse the Treaty of Versailles by expanding his military and reoccupying areas which were previously German.

Unite Germans and German speakers in 'Lebensraum' or Living Space by expanding Eastwards. 

Gather supplies to prepare for war.

Begin conscription into the Army.

Rearm by opening factories and/or changing outputs to manufacture military arms.

Hitler decided to enter to Spanish Civil War fighting for the Nationalists. His aim was to give opportunity to his air forces to practice dive-bombing tactics as he knew war was inevitable. 

In the Hossbach Memorandum, dated November 1937, Hitler told his Generals to prepare for war and be ready by 1940.