Opposition to the Nazis

Types of Opposition to the Nazis

Non-cooperation and non-conformity

Refusing to cooperate with the government or to follow their behavioural expectations

Attempted revolt

An attempt to overthrow the government and form a new one

Private grumbling

Complaining about the living conditions and country's problems within a private group and blaming the government for them.

Underground resistance

When a group carries out actions secretly to challenge, undermine or weaken the government 

Open opposition

Public criticism of the government and it's policies

Who opposed the Nazis and how did they do so?

The White Rose Group (Underground Resistance)

Edelweiss Pirates (Underground Resistance)

The Red Orchestra (Underground Resistance)

The July Bomb Plot (Attempted Revolt)

Bert Engelmann (Private Grumbling)

Anti-Nazi Jokes (Private Grumbling)

Sports Coach (Non-cooperation and non-conformity)

The Swing Kids (Non-cooperation and non-conformity)

A Worker in Hamburg (Non-cooperation and non-conformity)

Joachim Gottschalk (Non-cooperation and non-conformity)