The Treaty of Sevres (1920)
The Treaty of Sevres was signed with Turkey on 10th August 1920.
Territorial Terms:
Turkey lost territory to Greece and Italy, while the Armenians were to have a homeland.
The Kingdom of Hejaz was given formal international recognition as an independent kingdom, while Mecca and Medina were to be its most important cities (also very historical important for Turkey).
Parts of the Turkish Empire became mandates of France (Syria), and Britain (Palestine, Iran, Transjordan)
Turkey had to renounce its claims in North Africa and the Middle East.
Dardanelles were to be permanently open to all shipping
Military Terms:
The Ottoman Army was limited to 50,000 men.
An air force was forbidden and the navy was limited to thirteen boats – six schooners and seven torpedo boats.
The allies were to supervise these terms and ensure their implementation.
The Allies were to control the economy of Turkey, including control of the Ottoman Bank, imports and exports, the national budget, financial regulations, requests for loans and proposed restructuring of the taxation policies.
> The Turkish National Movement (led by Kemal Mustafa Ataturk) was established to overturn the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres and expelling foreign soldiers.
> This was achieved by October 1923, and the new Republic of Turkey was proclaimed, with Kemal as its first president