Triple Intervention (1895)
Aims: To force Japan to renegotiate the Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) and relinquish control of the Liaodong peninsula in China.
Organised by: Russia
Other Powers involved: Germany, France, Japan
Reasons for the agreement:
• Russia wanted to gain control over the warm-water port of Port Arthur on the Liaodong peninsula.
• France felt obliged to support its ally, Russia under the Franco-Russian Alliance (1894).
• Germany wanted to draw Russia away from its interest in the Balkans in Europe and hoped to gain their support for
German territorial concessions in China (Kiaochow).
Main agreements reached:
• Control of the Liaodong peninsula and Port Arthur was handed over to Russia in exchange for compensation.
• A joint Russian and Japanese protectorate was established over Korea.
Consequences of the agreements:
• Russia gained a warm water port in the Pacific.
• Russia supported German claims to Kiachow in 1898.
• Japan felt humiliated by the Triple Intervention and embarked upon a programme of naval expansion.